CNY coing soon..
School holiday coming soon too.. what makes people so lazy and bored at this time????
Of cause all those assignment and test that are going on the week before our CNY break..
Everyone is waiting for the best day to come.. no mood to think of our studies or even test..
Quite lazy to study for test and so lazy to do assignment..
What is worst is to get sick during CNY. Currently i am having a cough...
Sick since last week. Hope that my cough will recover soon as CNY is drawing nearer..
all the food is waiting for me to eatttt....CNY cookies, bak kua, bak hu and what so ever food ....
A few of my friends are also sick.. hope all of your can quickly recover too..
As usual friends and family members will be coming back and there will be more and more gatherings coming up ... wuhoo.....
Sista will be back!!! this thursday.. .. waiting for u to come back to decorate the house and do all the house work to.. (hehehehe....) then I shall sit down and order you to do this and that..
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all my beloved friends.. hope all of you have a great tiger year ... and get more ang pow... winks:)
some pics took during material night 2010.. lazy to blog d.. pics worth a thousand of words