After 2 days of part time job...What did I do these Saturday and Sunday???? Study, sleeping at home, playing around or?????? Most if my university friends are studying hard for our coming finals which will be held in one weeks time.. scary right...
I myself who is still enjoying and I think only touch a bit on Titas, still didn't know how to write the word SCARED.. but actually I am more scared than all of you guys out there..
I still worked on Saturday and Sunday... Is just a last minute job.. I am so called craving for money as I wanted to go holiday with my friends and also need to spend during my holiday.. RM100 per day .. of cause I want.. Since I do not have my PC fair job at that time... hehe
Oh yeah, Ming & Me got another work, RM130 per day next mid may.. money money money... here I come... kekeke.... Paisei lar, this is the best way to earn money for yourself... keke...
I got another so called big secret wanted so shared with all my friends.. I think all of you sure laugh at my lame-ness secret.. YESTERDAY WAS MY 1ST TIME WEARING CONTACT LENSE.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...(i know it is lame.)
Seriously it was the 1st time.. I did not try wearing it last time.. Somehow my colleague ask me to try it once since I am selling that product. Freshlook Illuminates daily contact lense, where your eyes will look bigger while wearing it.
It took me only a few minutes to wear it.. wuhoo... thanks to my colleague for teaching me.. But is kind of difficult for me to take it off..
By the end of my work my eyes seems to be @@@... haha.. i think because i wear it for a longer period.. haha..
Quite a good experience wearing contact lense.. keke... Now i must plan my study time properly or else i am sure that I will get in a big big trouble soon.....
Hope I can settle all my studies... I seriously scared i can't finish it.. huh....
Happy Study everyone....